Police Brutality Lawyers In Baltimore

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The sad truth is that sometimes law enforcement fails its citizens.

However, that does not mean that the law will also fail.

At Murphy Falcon & Murphy, we have successfully been fighting for civil rights and those whose lives have been irreparably changed during police encounters for many years. If you or someone that you love has been the victim of police brutality, it is time to let your voices be heard. Here we will take a look at the best ways to handle police brutality and how to prepare yourself for the upcoming legal case. As always, our Baltimore legal team is here to help, and we will work with you to bring about the most favorable outcome possible.


As you are preparing your case, you will need to take several steps, including:

► Document your injuries

► Document the event

► Understand police protocol

► Discuss your case with an attorney

Preparing For Your Case

While you are preparing for your case, you will need to get documents, evidence, and reports in order as you work with your attorney. These following steps will help you to have the best chances at winning the case and receiving the money or other outcomes that you desire.

Pursuing An Actionable Claim

Once you have your evidence gathered, if you and your lawyer believe that you have the grounds to file a civil case against police in Baltimore or other states, it is important to act quickly and take the right steps toward justice so that you can expedite your claims and avoid time-consuming mistakes.

Go To The Hospital

If your incident with the police involved physical injury or sexual assault, you should seek medical care immediately. This will not only provide you with the care that you need, but will form documentation of injuries immediately. If you are slow to visit the doctor, it could show an insurance company that you weren’t badly injured, therefore complicating your case or reducing the severity of your case.

Gather Evidence

As we have discussed earlier, you must gather all of your necessary evidence. In civil cases, it is the burden of the claimant to fulfill proof, especially in claims involving police officers. Be sure you have documentation including:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Names
  • Descriptions of events
  • Contact numbers
  • Police report copies
  • Medical records
  • Any other imperative data

You can work with your attorney to make sure that you have a thorough account of the events as well as all possible evidence. Our experienced team will partner with you to ensure your case is as strong as possible when it is filed.

Talk To Eyewitnesses

Were you around others when the event you are referencing in your civil case happened? If there were eyewitnesses, finding them and obtaining written or recorded statements can help to verify the events as they occurred and strengthen your case. Approach any eyewitnesses as soon as you possibly can so they are able to freshly recall the events. Find out what the witnesses saw and be sure to have them sign off on their stories or verbally agree to a recorded statement. If you called the police regarding your incident, the responding officer should do this for you.

Learn The Law

If you are working with Murphy Falcon & Murphy, our civil rights lawyers have a firm understanding of the law and can advise you to ensure that you have grounds for a claim. Some of the questions to take into account before filing your claim include:

  • Did an officer violate your rights?
  • Did the officer’s negligence cause a serious injury?
  • Did you feel harassed or discriminated against?

Be sure to learn all that you can to ensure that your civil rights case has solid ground before you file.

File Your Claim

Once you have gathered evidence, obtained legal representation, and feel confident in your case, it is time for you and your lawyer to file your claim. Your legal team will handle the filing, which can include an initial complaint with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights. In other cases, you may go straight to the county small claims court to file your case or your attorney can file a regular civil case for you. When you work with the team at Murphy Falcon & Murphy, we will make sure your case is filed quickly and accurately as we work toward the best possible outcome for you.

Hold Law Enforcement Accountable

Each case is different, and the standards between cases can be confusing or contradictory depending on the circumstances. Police officers must be held accountable for their actions, especially if they violate an individual’s civil rights. At Murphy Falcon & Murphy, our civil rights and personal injury attorneys are experienced in police brutality cases, and we are highly committed to getting you the best results that we possibly can. Contact our team of Baltimore attorneys today to arrange a meeting and initial consultation regarding your police brutality case.